
Estrogen Dominance in Women and Men

All About Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen dominance is not uncommon, and there are a couple of symptoms to look out for.

Estrogen dominance and manifest itself as estrogen being super high, or progesterone is super low, which makes her estrogen super high as a result of the progesterone being super low. So in general you need estrogen to balance out with progesterone.

1.     The first type of estrogen is called phytoestrogen: It's basically the weakest form of estrogen and it is in foods such as flax seeds and monk seeds, as well as soy products – chemicals found in plants

2.     The second type of estrogen is the endogenous form – we produce it

3.     The third type is called xenoestrogen, which are synthetic forms of estrogen and It's found in bisphenol A (BPA), as well as plastics, This is one of the reasons why you don't want to warm up your food, for example

With the right lifestyle, nutrition, and supplements one can monitor their hormones naturally/holistically. If you go to a doctor they typically will have you go to a nutritionist to Fix your diet because typically people that are estrogen dominant are not eating well, and/or have poor lifestyle choices.

So that is a little bit about estrogen dominance. I hope that that was useful and helpful. Consider subscribing to this page to learn more about all things health.

Be well,


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