
How to Clear Up Your Skin

A Simple Protocol to Clearing Up Your Skin

Acne is a sensitive topic, and lots of people experience it at some point or another. I have found that through trial and error some dermatologists are quick to recommend remedies that are not sustainable or suitable for the individual’s needs. In today’s video I cover some tips you can explore to clear up your skin.

Keep in mind that the skin on your face is different from the skin on the body. The skin on the face is made up of smaller cells than the cells on the body. The skin on the face is more susceptible to showing aging because it’s thinner. This Is why if you value your aesthetics and youthfulness, it’s important to start with how the skin on your face is looking.

You can address skin flare ups in a number of different ways:

1.     Diet/Lifestyle

2.     Hormones

3.     Genetics

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In the video I discuss the different products I use(d), and allow me to explain why I specifically chose them for the video:

-       Coconut Oil: has healthy and moisturizing fats that your skin and hair absolutely love. It’s phenomenal for removing makeup, and used as a moisturizer after washing your face. If you leave it overnight in your hair it can work as a hair mask and repair damaged hair. Oh, and it’s also great as a mouthwash (I went to the dentist, and they were all amazed how clean and clear my teeth were thanks to coconut oil mouthwash)

-       Vitamin E Oil: Some research claims that vitamin e oil is not beneficial for reducing scars, but I can tell you from experience that it definitely played a role in clearing up skin. Just because research shows no significant improvements in some protocol does not mean it’s not effective.

o   I’ll provide you a example: many women experience side effects from birth control, i.e. copper toxicity from the copper IUD yet when they go to their doctor’s and explain how they are experiencing these changes they are dismissed as crazy or delusional, and the doctors defend the copper IUD with a claim that there is no research that these BC methods are bad, and therefore the patient’s experience is not valid…yet if that happened in a research trial then it would counted as a notable possible side effect. My case in point is to not neglect how you feel from using something. If you notice a change after using something, find a way to prove it to justify the possible results from using.

-       Water: Need I write more? If you aren’t drinking enough water you definitely will not clear up your skin. So, drink more water.

-       Paula’s Choice Exfoliate: Now I have seen mixed feelings on this online from different reviews, but be aware that this is a exfoliate which means it’s loaded with chemicals that are far too strong for the skin so use this one no more than 1xweek. The main goal of using this is to shed the dead skin cells.

-       Glycolic acid/Salicylic acid pads by QRx Labs: This is one of my favorites that may boost collagen production giving your face a nice glow to it, and remove excess breakouts. I find that rotating this with the Paula’s Choice works best.

-       L’Oreal Glycolic acid: You can rotate this if you also are going to use tretinoin, so 2-3xweek before bed you apply this product last. Avoid using it with tretinoin or azelaic acid.

-       Retinol:  treats hyperpigmentation, and may reduce fine lines and wrinkles by plumping the skin (if you try using it for a week you’ll see how your skin looks more plumped from it). Avoid using it with tretinoin.

-       Brighten It 10% Lactic Acid Solution: Similar to the Paula’s Choice this can be used as a  mild exfoliate.

Lactic Acid – directly inhibits the discoloration of the skin. Concentrated formula gently exfoliates discolored skin cells resulting in an even tone and brighter overall appearance of the skin. Improves rough texture associated with sun damage.

-       Tretinoin Cream or Gel .05% or greater: This is probably the most important one of them all because it has the power to really transform your skin over time, but the key is to be consistent with your usage. The results will show over 2+ years of using it. Ideally use it as the last product that goes on your face, and always use in the PM not in the AM. If you use this product then use sunscreen daily to protect your skin as this product can be strong. You take a pea size amount and put drops of it all over the face and massage it in.

-       Cetyl Tranexamate & Niacinamide: This product is by Good Molecules and worked wonders on my skin, but again you have to be consistent with it. I typically find that using this after a moisturizer and before sunscreen works best. Apply it AM and PM.

-       ProgonB Bezwecken:  This product is excellent to use before bed, and ideally is best sublingually. This may help if your progesterone levels are low, and you are experiencing sleep apnea…there is no research that it helps, though. Also generally good to use if your progesterone are low in general, which can manifest in different ways i.e. acne, PCOS, trouble sleeping.

-       Diet

o   Careful w/ Whey Protein

o   Atlantic wild caught salmon

o   Olive Oil

o   Flaxseed Oil

o   Water

o   No fried foods

o   No vegetable Oils: (soybean oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, corn oil)

§  Vegetable oils can get stuck in your fat cells, and overall horrible for your intestinal walls. If you eat out often you are consuming loads of these oils because it’s a cheap source. It’s better to go with butter than it is with these vegetable oils. If you must eat out ask them to cook with olive oil, or avoid eating out too often. Every restaurant is different, but even if you eat out 1xweek the vegetable oils can stay inside your system so I tend to avoid eating out all together as it’s not worth it (to me).


You can check your hormones levels on blood work…sometimes your hormone levels can be normal on blood work, but the pathway in which the hormone goes down does not reflect on blood tests, so you can get a DUTCH test. Some people may be poor detoxifiers meaning their body does not do well with toxins and symptoms include fatigue, poor digestion, low mood, etc.


Genetics plays a huge role obv in your genetic expression. If you are predisposed to acne then it may be more difficult to fix the acne, but there are options. I discuss the possibility of using isotretinoin (accutane), but it can be dangerous if you are not under the supervision of a doctor; technically you can get this over the counter if you know how…

Some doctors prescribe spironolactone, but I am not a huge fan of it because it works by blocking the androgen receptors which prevents sebum and thus prevent pimples. I find though that it’s not really solving the problem – only masking it. May be if Accutane is not a option for you then spironolactone may be a good option. There is a topical spironolactone called Winlevi though so you could look into that.

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Those are my tips on how to clear skin. If this helped you consider subscribing to this publication to receive more and support this page as it allows me to continue to produce quality content.

For a custom program and training and diet email espinozi.yelena@gmail.com

Be well,



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