
How To Use A Landmine For Full Body Fitness

Incorporate these exercises to develop strength, hypertrophy, and conditioning

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There are different kinds of fitness equipment you can use to enhance your training making it fun and worth while. Many people now have built their own home gyms or are now taking advantage of their apartment gyms, which offers a variety of options for creativity. In today’s video I am demonstrating how to use this landmine attachment for a full body workout. I demonstrate how to use the close grip handle to do landmine rows.

I mainly use the landmine row for heavy close grip rows because it allows for a great thickness development and strength of the upper back, mid back, and lats - overall a great back exercise that transfers over to your deadlifts and low bar squats. Low bar squats are usually for more hip dominant squatters, and I explain a little more in this video.

Different exercises you can do include:

  1. 2 arm shoulder press  (shown in the video)

  2. Squats 

  3. Reverse lunges 

  4. Close grip rows  (shown in the video)

  5. Landmine wood chop (shown in the video)

    1. I talk about the transverse abdominals, and went on to refer to the transverse plane vs frontal plane vs sagittal plane; the wood chop is a great rotational exercise to move your core in a different plane of motion than a traditional sit up, plank, etc. 

  6. Side bend (not demonstrated in the video)

    1. This exercise requires that you hold the barbell with one hand and let it bring you down on your side as you resist it and come back up, it targets the quadratus lumborum…see picture below. Usually if someone holds a heavy weight on their back before back squatting and feel some sort of pain from walking laterally with a load on their back it could be that the QL muscle needs to be strengthened. Doing the side bend exercise with the landmine or a dumbbell helps to strengthen those muscles.

If you found this useful consider subscribing to the substack for more. This is part 1 to the 2 part series, which I will make to demonstrate a more in depth on the millions of exercises you can do with the landmine. 

Custom Training

For online custom training and nutrition email espinozi.yelena@gmail.com. Experience with programming for nutrition, diet, lifestyle, strength, hypertrophy, wellness.

Be Well.


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