
Top Protein Sources to Build Muscle

Giving you Clues, and Advice on Your Nutrition

I get asked ever so often, “Hey, Yelena what are the best sources of protein for me to build muscles like yours?”

Well I respond to them with this wonderful video, and allow me to explain why I specifically chose some of these options.

1.     Venison – The meat of deer, and for every 100 grams of venison there is 20-25 grams of protein, ana high in zinc, phosphorous, and iron. Venison also has a surprisingly excellent omega- 6 to omega- 3 ratio, and has a fabulous amount of vitamin B

2.     Wild Caught Atlantic Salmon – Salmon is sold from a variety of different sources, and the one source that you may be getting salmon from is the Pacific ocean, which actually has less omega 3 content than the pacific

a.     The best place to get wild caught salmon is at your local international Asian supermarket, I have found that they have better quality and pricing than the bigger chains

3.     Ground Turkey – Better than ground beef in some ways, one of them being ground turkey has more polyunsaturated fats than ground beef. I also am very cautious on the type of ground beef I choose. I have found that grass fed beef may be a healthier option, or getting ground beef from your local farmers; I love going to my local dutch market and getting their produce, which I know will always be delivered fresh

4.     Shark Steak – Other than the fact that I think shark will sound more fancy than resorting to tuna or salmon; however, eating big fish like this one should be concerned about the mercury content. The small fish like sardines are probably a better option to choose from as they have less mercury

5.     Chicken breast /tenderloin


6.     Plant option: Oatmeal – 1 serving of oatmeal is 5 grams of protein, and it’s flexible to recreate the meal into different ways

7.     Plan option: Lentils – popular in the Indian culture, and super versatile. The only downside to it is it can cause some digestive issues for some people

So how do you include any or all of these options into your diet? My best advice to you is to choose one and create delicious meals from it as much as you can, and turn it in for a different source the following week.

Protein is the most important macronutrient compared to carbs and fats if you want to build muscle and keep the muscle on.

That’s all for now,

Be well,



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