
How to Write a Strength Program

Learn from the Best in a Simple Way!

Writing a strength program is simple. I discuss it in the video, and will break it down for you here: 

You can design it so that you have your training broken up in blocks. A block can be 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 2 weeks, 8 weeks; it is all up to you. 

Name the block, ie 

  • metabolic block 

  • bodybuilding glute focused 

  • power block 

  • strength block 

Next follow up with choosing your split. The split can be a 3, 4, 5, or 6 d split. 

Understand that more isn’t necessarily better when it comes to strength gain. In bodybuilding and skill based routines, repetition is not a bad idea. 

Example 3 day body based 

Day 1 - legs

Day 2 - chest/back

Day 3 - legs 

Example 4 day movement based 

Day 1 - squat, bench, hamstrings/glutes

Day 2 - pull ups, dips, arms 

Day 3 - deadlift, OHP, mid back training, 2 leg exercises 

Day 4 - incline bench, rows, hamstrings 

Next pick your sets and reps you’ll work in for each day/ movement. This can be catered to your specific goal:

Are you doing 3 reps for top sets? 4 reps? 6-8+ reps? What RPE are you working in?  

  • Reps of 3-5 choose RPE @8-9 

  • Reps of 6-8 choose RPE @7-8 

  • Reps of 8-10 choose RPE @6-8


Choose a time cap of no more than 75 minutes in the gym and do no more then 5 exercises/day or no more than 20 sets in a given day. Whichever is easier for you to think about.

Rinse and Repeat.

Writing a program can be confusing and may require more diligence and thought into it if you have a big goal in mind, but assuming you want some general structure this plan should work out just fine.

If you’d like a custom approach to your training and/or need help to review it over you can book a call and we can talk.

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Be well, 



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